
Fashion design student Antonia Nae won prestigious award at GFW
Fashion design student, Antonia Nae, won the Lipsy Red Carpet Dress Award at this year's Graduate Fashion Week.
More than 40 universities and 1,000 student designers participated in GFW, which ran from 5-8 June at Truman Brewery in east London.
The Red Carpet Award is sponsored by high street fashion chain Lipsy. According to the company’s website, judges were looking for a dress that combined design, creativity, craftsmanship, commercial viability and red-carpet impact.

Stil de Succes cu Ellida Toma. Antonia Nae, designer de succes peste hotare, la 27 de ani! A cunoscut-o pe Victoria Beckham! „Am vrut să îmi fac țara mândră”

Ambasadorul Marii Britanii, la inaugurarea showroomului buzoiencei Antonia Nae
Antonia Nae, singurul designer roman premiat in cadrul London Fashion Week, si-a deschis primul showroom in Romania la inceputul acestei luni. La doar 27 de ani, creatoarea de moda buzoiana are in palmares un masterclass studiat cu Victoria Beckham, iar Ducesa de Cambridge, Oprah Winfrey si Rihanna au purtat tinute concepute special de catre revelatia fashionului autohton, supranumita si "Alexander McQueen de Romania".

Allison Rodger, prezentă la deschiderea showroom-ului Antoniei Nae

Antonia Nae, singurul designer român premiat în cadrul London Fashion Week, și-a deschis showroom în Dorobanți

Designer român în elita mondială a modei. Antonia Nae, carieră croită din ambiţie și muncă

Românca ale cărei haine sunt purtate de Oprah Winfrey, Kate Middleton şi Rihanna.
Antonia Nae este singurul designer vestimentar român care a ajuns să lucreze pentru celebrităţi din întreaga lume, inclusiv pentru membri ai Casei Regale Britanice. Deşi are doar 25 de ani, cei mai aprigi critici de modă din Londra o compară pe tânăra din Buzău cu Alexander McQueen, iar creaţiile la care a lucrat au fost purtate de Oprah Winfrey, de Rihanna, iar Victoria Beckham şi-a dorit să o cunoască personal.

Antonia Nae: Delta
Antonia Nae. The designer to watch.
Last week I was invited to the Electric hair on the road event at Oxford's newly renovated and eclectic bar The Oxford Retreat. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect prior to going, but when I was greeted by a glass of champagne and a goody bag, I knew I was in good hands. The evening began with Electric hair founder Mark Woolley and a few of his team taking us step by step through some beautiful hair styles. Two expectedly beautiful models sat patiently while the creative hair demonstrations took place and it was then, whilst I wondered if I would ever be able to replicate these looks that I noticed the lace details of the dresses underneath their salon gowns.

Ea e romanca invitata la London Fashion Week! Antonia Nae creeaza rochii de senzatie, lucrate complet manual! Cum arata acestea
Antonia Nae AW20-HD_4

Antonia Nae AW20-HD_4

Video Antonia